Glitch Feed

Distant tremors raise suspicions of a pending tsunami! by +peter
January 19, 2007, 6:13 pm
Filed under: Glitch Feed, Glitch Feed Game Development

I want to apologize for the lack of activity within our small (but growing) Glitchfeed community. Things are not dead here, not in the slightest. Think of this as the calm before the storm…

I have just returned from Japan (I will def post more on that later) and life back in Michigan has assaulted me with one maddening day after another. I have been working almost not stop for the past 2 weeks to bring my American life back into order.

One result of these private activities will be the emergence of a collaborative effort between Stephanie, myself and many others with the purpose of designing and creating artistic pieces within the video game medium. Our goal is to create three proof of concepts and one fleshed out game by the end of the semester. During our struggles, we will be blogging our steps for all to see. We also hope to create more community projects, potentially involving community members into our projects.

One last note, I was required to create a personal blog for a graphic novel class here in Michigan. It will be updated daily, so RSS it and check in for some of my more bizarre musings that lack any grammatical form. If you stop by, leave a comment!
(hint: click image)

*update: Mode 7 Style is now dead. *tear* We had some good memories we did! We may see Mode 7 Style reincarnated at some point, but I anticipate that it will not be any time soon.


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